Family & Home
Dive into home hacks, family lessons, advice on raising and homeschooling children of faith, healthy marriage insight and more!
5 Tips for Organizing Your Fridge
I absolutely thrive with an organized fridge. Seeing those containers all lined up or stacked neatly is so appealing. I can see exactly what and where things are stored.
Teach Your Children as Jesus Taught His Disciples
The relationship between Jesus and his disciples is one that many can understand and desire in their own personal relationships, especially in a family. The level of love and respect that comes from both sides of that relationship and the care concealed in the lessons...
Homeschool Essentials: Homeschool Bravely: How to Squash Doubt, Trust God, and Teach Your Child with Confidence
Right now, many parents have found themselves in the role of teacher, as well as caretaker and entertainer with no warning. It’s daunting to take on a new responsibility when there’s been very little time for preparation. Naturally, I started looking for some...
How to Organize an Insta-worthy Pantry
While most of us supermoms don’t have a team of organizers to get our pantries into Instagram-worthy shape, it’s still achievable! With a good bit of strategy and work overtime, I’ve been able to whip my pantry into order — photo-worthy order! Here are my tips to help...
The Importance of Apologizing to your Children
Apologizing and extending forgiveness are extremely hard, but necessary life skills to master. For some, apologizing is easy, and they are quick to own their mistakes and learn from them. For others, it can be challenging. As a recovering perfectionist, people...
Homeschool Essentials: Teaching From Rest: A Homeschooler’s Guide to Unshakeable Peace by Sarah MacKenzie
About the Book: Teaching From Rest: A Homeschooler’s Guide to Unshakeable Peace, by Sarah Mackenzie Those who have made the decision to homeschool their children have done so out of great love for them and a desire to provide them an excellent education in the context...
5 Reasons Why We Homeschool
There was once a time when I felt equipped to teach other people’s children but not equipped to teach my own. I guess there’s the pressure of being responsible for everything versus one subject. Also, there’s the “balancing mom and teacher” thing. I must say, God has...
Christmas Advent
I absolutely love Christmas. Yearly I find excitement in the traditions, decorations, shopping,& movies. Since I was able to get ahead on planning this year, I’ve been spending every moment of my free time indulging in Hallmark Christmas movies. Yesterday as I sat...
A Tough Homeschool “First Day”
If I’m completely honest, being a wife and mom is HARD, and homeschooling… well, that’s even harder! I’ve actually questioned myself every single day… … Am I a good mom? … What am I doing? … Am I enough? … Am I doing them a disservice? … Do I yell or use...
When Family Becomes An Idol
Until recently, I had never realized that good things, even Godly things, can become an idol. I realized this on a recent “rabbit trail” that God took me on through His Word. Have you ever had one of those times where you wanted to be in the Word, but you didn’t know...
How Does it Feel to be Married to an NFL Player?
The question I’ve been asked the most in the past 6 years has not been about my faith or redemption, my love for my family, nor my personal goals. It’s been, “How does it feel to be married to an NFL player?” Usually, before I can answer the question (because I always...
How Do We Simplify? (Part 2)
See part 1 of How Do We Simplify here. What does simplifying look like for me? It’s learning the power of healthy boundaries and saying no. That not every outstanding ministry opportunity is for me to commit to.It’s accepting that I don’t need a huge, immaculate home...