I absolutely thrive with an organized fridge. Seeing those containers all lined up or stacked neatly is so appealing. I can see exactly what and where things are stored. When it comes to time to figure out our meals, I can create a plan with a quick look into our fridge.  I prewash all of my fruits, veggies, and fresh meat as soon after a grocery trip as possible, which cuts down on clutter and keeps the fridge in order.

In the beginning, it may seem overwhelming to get your fridge in order. But remember, just like most things, it’ll be a breeze to maintain after the first overhaul. Here are 5 tips for getting your fridge in order:

1. Out with the Old (and Expired!) 

Before tackling Project Fridge, take inventory of what’s already in there. How old is that mustard? Are both those containers of shredded cheese still good? Throw away anything that’s expired or rotten. This is also a good opportunity to see what items are bought, but never completely used. This will help streamline your grocery list to items that your family uses. 

2. Meal Plan to Perfection

For some items, I store them based on what recipes I’m planning to make. Meal planning works to offer purpose to what’s in the fridge and to make sure we’re actually using what we buy. No one wants to throw away money, but that’s what happens when grocery items are wasted. Try to set aside a day every week to map out your meals, then create your grocery list. 

3. Break Out the Organizers! 

As I mentioned in past posts, I use Lazy Susan’s fridge bins and meal prep containers to group items together. Everything’s shipshape in labeled containers. There are affordable, effective fridge organizers for all types of items. If you keep bottled waters or juices on the shelf, consider a bottle or a can dispenser. Feel free to get creative and shop around for what works best for your fridge.

4. Fast Food, the Healthy Way

I store fruit, raw veggies, and cheeses low so the kids can reach them if allowed to grab a snack independently. Those prewashed and cut eats will be appealing to the eyes and ready to go when the kids or anyone needs a quick healthy treat. Be sure to use easy to open containers to make it that much quicker for smaller hands to get what they need. 

5. (Re)Organize Frequently

I’m all about the “organized look” for my sanity so my systems change frequently—and my family may or may not love that! There should be a general order to your refrigerator, which will help you know what’s missing as you create your grocery list, but don’t feel like everything is set in stone. Certain things may work better on a lower (or higher) shelf. 

These are just a few tips to guide you to a Pinterest-worthy fridge your family (and your grocery list!) will appreciate!