Family & Home
Dive into home hacks, family lessons, advice on raising and homeschooling children of faith, healthy marriage insight and more!
Parent Routine: Getting Kids Down for Bedtime
Bedtime… it can be a struggle. I don’t understand why kids don’t like bedtime! After a long day of working, mom-ing, and all the things in between, bedtime has become one of the things I don’t play about. 7:30 PM. (I may bend every now and then, but not often at all.) Here a few tips for getting your kids down to bed and up for breakfast as smooth as possible.
Finding Balance Through Self-Care
I will admit, I most certainly have a tendency to… let’s say, overcommit to some of my gospels. First and foremost? Philippians 2:3. You know, the part that says “Count others more significant than yourselves.” I can’t tell you how often I find myself run ragged...
Getting Back into the Swing of Homeschooling after the Holidays
School… this can be a dreaded word even in “normal” times, but these days, it is especially daunting since many of us have found ourselves navigating school at home. Frankly speaking, school has recently become something I dread the most, and this is definitely true...
5 Tips for Organizing the Craziness Before the Holidays
We recently survived our 11th move to be exact, and I just couldn’t endure the thought of unpacking and organizing solo with all I currently have going on—especially with the holidays right around the corner. I often say organizing is one of my superpowers, but at the...
Get to Know Me: 5 Fun Facts You Haven’t Heard
In starting this blog, it was important to me to not only give advice and inspiration but to also build connections with my readers. I thought to myself this week: What better way to bond than by sharing some personal facts? You, of course, have come to know my family and home-life, but I’d love to share five tidbits for you to get to know me a little better as well.
My Children Teach Me How To Be Me!
In a world where we are all easily enticed to become more like our peers or social media influencers, it becomes a battle to stay true to the person within — to the person that you really are. Desiring change and rapid growth is beautiful; however, it can often cause us to compromise ourselves in the process depending on our purpose and focus.
Switch It Up: Homeschool Fun Day Activities
Every day is a joy to spend with my children, but it’s no secret that homeschooling can sometimes create a little cabin fever for the kiddos. I love to mix up their schedule every once in a while with what I like to call: Homeschool Fun Days!
5 Homeschool Mistakes To Avoid
The 2020 School Year has come with a new normal — working and teaching from home! Yikes! Many weren’t ready for the culture shock of COVID-19. The good news is (with a few years of homeschooling experience under my belt) I believe I can be of some help.
Building A Marriage That Last
Marriage is the partnership between two sinful individuals—and sin plus sin typically does not equal perfection. Within marriage, I’ve been exposed to some ugly truths about myself. My flesh is wicked, constantly battling to overshadow the God that lives within me.
3 Tips To Conquer The Junk Drawer
Organizing makes my heart happy! I’m always working on home improvement tasks, and it brings me great joy to see it all come together. Like most of my projects, my organization method changes according to the task at hand. I’m constantly moving items around to find the perfect, most efficient places for things.
Not Raising Entitled Kids Is Hard
It’s challenging not to raise entitled kids. Children are exposed to so much through technology and their peers. There is always some new toy that all their friends have. As a parent, I desire to spoil them endlessly and treat them like true royalty. It feels natural to want to give any and everything to my children and never deny them. Obviously, that isn’t wise.
Homeschool Essentials: “Called Home: Finding Joy in Letting God Lead Your Homeschool” by Karen DeBeus.
Growing up, it was my heart’s greatest desire to become a wife and a mom. I chose a career path in Education because I believed it would allow me to spend the most time serving my family while making a decent living.