It may be summertime but you better believe at Davis Elementary sessions are still in! Quick poll for the other homeschool parents: Do you keep classes going through the summer months, or is it just us? 

For our household, homeschooling year-round allows us to have a more relaxed environment. We school 9 AM – 12:30 PM daily and make sure to weave in a couple of shorter breaks throughout the year. This ensures that we keep the learning effective and continuous, but also makes room for us to focus on family time and connecting.

Get Reviewing

The great part about the summer is that it provides the perfect time for review. This can mean refreshing old lessons or catching the kids up in areas they may be struggling with. Take a moment to check in on where the kids are at and if there are any subjects or concepts you need to dedicate more time to. I find this not only makes the kids feel supported but allows me to ensure we are on track for their grade level and understanding.

Prep for the Future

If you are already feeling ahead of the game, and your review process breezes by, I usually have success in preparing the kids for next year. You can do this by giving overviews of what the next grade has in store (tackling multiplication tables, upgrading to chapter books, or maybe some science experiments!). It doesn’t hurt to start a few of the lessons early either!

Getting Out of the “Classroom”?

Pre-COVID, I used to love integrating more “field trips” for the kids. I mean who doesn’t want to go to the zoo?! This summer, however, I have found myself a bit more cautious. Taking them to parks and wide-open spaces to interact with nature has been my go-to. But when we aren’t able, I’ve been adding in more arts and crafts and at-home fun projects.

As you continue for the last couple of weeks of summer, I encourage you to create some sort of structure and routine that allows you to have fun, spend time as a family, but still keep those little minds moving.