Between homeschooling, tending to my kids, running my household, and keeping up with my own tasks, I am one busy mama. I really don’t have any time to waste. In fact, I’m doing my best to multiply and maximize every second I have.

Regardless of if you’re managing your workload, your kids, or all of the above, time management is crucial when you are on a busy schedule.

Here are five time-saving hacks any busy mom can use:  

1. Use a Calendar

While some people pride themselves on remembering every detail for every day, this still leaves room for mistakes. I’m always juggling several balls at once so here needs to be a central location for every appointment, task, or to-do. Consider Google Calendar or even an old-fashioned planner to have a layout for the coming months and days. 

2. Make a list 

Write down all of your tasks for each day. If possible, create your list the night before. This way you will be prepared without having to stress about remembering what’s important. When you wake up, you’ll be focused and ready to go.

Jot down everything you need to accomplish, from picking up the dry cleaning to making those dentist appointments for the kiddos. You will feel accomplished once you start crossing things off your list! Whatever task doesn’t get done is put on the top of tomorrow’s list. This way, nothing is forgotten and you can continue where you left off. As long as you are consistent with this process, by prioritizing what’s most important, everything can get done in a timely manner.

3. Set a timer 

Give yourself a specific amount of time to complete a task. This hack works great when there is a lot that needs to get done but little time to do it. Instead of spinning your wheels, focus on one task at a time, and once the timer goes off, move on to the next task. It may take some getting used to but being strict (and realistic!) with the time you have is crucial. 

4. Delegate

If there’s a task or chore that can be handed off to your hubby or an older kiddo, let it go. As a busy mom, your hands are already full. So pass off a task to someone you can trust and free up more time. 

5. Take a break

An empty cup cannot pour into another, and neither can an empty mama. If you find yourself dragging from one activity to the next or being especially crabby with your spouse or the kids, it’s well past time for a break. Pencil some quiet time into your planner or as a reminder on your phone. While the kids play quietly or nap (hey, a girl can dream!), take a few moments for yourself. Enjoy that tea while it’s still hot or that book you’ve been wanting to catch up on. Whatever you need to do to recharge, do that. You deserve it.