See part 1 of How Do We Simplify here.

What does simplifying look like for me?

  1. It’s learning the power of healthy boundaries and saying no. That not every outstanding ministry opportunity is for me to commit to.
  2. It’s accepting that I don’t need a huge, immaculate home to create the life I desire for my family and to be a servant, mentor, or entertainer.
  3. It’s understanding that no matter what I do, I can’t and don’t need to please everyone. As long as I’m pleasing Him, everything else will follow.
  4. It’s coming back to the heart of worship where everything I do is all about my Father, for His glory.
  5. It’s taking the standards of the world (family and friends included) off myself and replacing them with the standards of God. Not “gaining the world and losing my soul.” (Matthew 16:26)
  6. It’s living in light of the Gospel daily. Tim Keller says, “The gospel is this: we are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.” God’s love is unconditional and I don’t need to become a better version of me to receive all that he has to offer. It’s a free gift from Him.
  7. It’s letting the Holy Spirit guide my life, not my flesh: I love what Romans 8:5-6 says: Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. I have found this so true that when my mind is governed by the flesh, life feels unrestful, complicated, and empty.
  8. It’s not trying to be the co-author of my own life, for my story is already written and it’s far greater than anything I could attempt to write on my own.
  9. It’s learning the importance of having a “Mary heart in a Martha’s world.” Sitting at his feet. Resting in Him. Trusting His purpose, plan, and process.
  10. It’s surrendering everything to Him: thoughts, emotions, and actions.
  11. It’s being in the Word daily and seeking to walk in obedience.

I think the simplicity God is calling me to can be summed up in the word abide. As Jesus says, “Abide in me, and I in you” (John 15:4). Keep company with Jesus in simple and pure fellowship, devotion, and intimacy. Stay near to Him in vital connection. This is the greatest privilege we have! Like I said, it’s not easy with the myriad of distractions from without and within, but it is simple and leads to life and fruitfulness!