Get to Know Me: 5 Fun Facts You Haven’t Heard

Get to Know Me: 5 Fun Facts You Haven’t Heard

In starting this blog, it was important to me to not only give advice and inspiration but to also build connections with my readers. I thought to myself this week: What better way to bond than by sharing some personal facts?

You, of course, have come to know my family and home-life, but I’d love to share five tidbits for you to get to know me a little better as well.

1.  I am a loud and proud graduate of an HBCU.

I attended Rust College in Mississippi for my undergrad degree. While small, Rust is one of the oldest Historically Black Colleges in the US. With their heavy focus on the liberal arts and religion, it was the perfect fit for me.

2.  I’m Greek!

Skee-Wee!! I am a sister of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, and I am proud to contribute to a legacy of social change and advocacy. We continue to focus on helping alleviate problems concerning girls and women in order to improve their social stature, maintain their progressive interest in college life, and always be of ‘Service to All Mankind’.

3.  Graduate school changed my fate.

I was offered a scholarship to attend graduate school at The Ohio State University, but I turned down the opportunity to be a Buckeye. In a whirlwind of devastation and regret, I enrolled at Arkansas State for graduate school, even though I had NEVER been to Arkansas in my life!  God was looking out for me, though — it was in graduate school that I met my husband and began building our beautiful life together.

4.  I had a whole different future planned out.

Originally, I thought I was going to pursue a career in education. As a English and Liberal Arts fanatic, I had a plan to teach for 5 years before becoming a high school administrator (while maintaining a job as a part-time professor, of course). And to wrap it all up, I would become the youngest superintendent in my district. …My how things have changed!

5.  I’ve always been a driven and busy bee with a diverse spread of interests.

You better believe my resume is extensive! I started my side hustle early by braiding hair in middle school. I wanted to become a hairstylist (ha!). In high school, I juggled school full-time while working 35 hours per week (not to mention my two extra jobs every summer). I have become a “jack of all trades” with experience in everything from education and administrative work to fast food and retail. I even worked at a poultry plant (shocking to know that I’m still not a vegetarian after that). I am proud now to hold the acclaimed job title of Domestic Engineer!

Now, your turn! Comment 5 fun facts we haven’t heard!

My Favorite Breakfast Sandwich: Sausage, Egg, Cheese Croissants!

My Favorite Breakfast Sandwich: Sausage, Egg, Cheese Croissants!

How do you do breakfast? I LOVE a good, quick and perfectly packaged breakfast sandwich! Not only are they easy to make, they’re deliciously fulfilling. Sausage… cheese… croissants… eggs… butter? Together, they can do no wrong.

For this recipe, you can use any meat of your choice, but smoked sausage is my favorite. I’ve also made them using shredded steak, patty sausage and bacon. Either way, you can’t go wrong! My Favorite croissants for this recipe are the Butter Croissants from Trader Joes.

Now, let’s dig in!

*You’ll notice I’ve added some suggestions with the ingredients below, but feel free to use the items that your family enjoys.


  • Meat of your choice (I prefer smoked sausage)
  • Croissants (Butter Croissants from Trader Joes)
  • Eggs
  • Cheese
  • Butter

Other meats I have used…

  • Shredded steak
  • Patty sausage
  • Bacon


  1. Preheat the oven to 400.
  2. Cut smoked sausage down the middle.
  3. Place sausage in the oven for 15 minutes.
  4. Cut croissants open.
  5. Scramble or fry eggs to your liking.
  6. Once sausages are done pat excessive grease out with paper towels and place on the bottom layer of the croissant.
  7. Make sure you have enough meat to cover the entire layer.
  8. Top with eggs and cheese.
  9. Butter top with croissant and place in the oven until these melts (4 minutes) and serve.
6  Ways Friendships Change Over Time

6 Ways Friendships Change Over Time

As young children, it was easy to connect with our peers over something as simple as our favorite color or Disney character. But as we grow older, it can become harder to connect. 

Navigating friendships has been a challenge for me. I’m a busy wife and mom, and between caring for my family, teaching homeschool, philanthropy work, and The F Word Blog, I have to be really intentional about the relationships I build and maintain with others. 

I love my friends, and I consider them an extension of my family, but I’ve had to adjust my expectations. Sure, some people have one BFF that they do everything with, but I’ve come to realize that this isn’t always realistic! It’s important to learn that we can have something special and unique with each of our friends. 

I’ve taken some time to share a few ways that friendships change and how to cope during these kinds of situations.

Here are six ways that friendships change and how to cope with those changes: 

  1. New Interests

As we open ourselves to new environments and meet new people, it’s only natural that our interests evolve. You may no longer be interested in the same books or movies you were as a kid. With nothing in common to talk about, it can be hard to keep a conversation going, but think about it: just like you’re getting into new things, your friends are, too. Sharing the new things that bring you interest still comes with opportunities to connect.

2. New Friends

Moving through different circles and jobs connect you to a new network of people. As you get used to being in a new setting, it’s normal to create bonds with people who have helped you along the way. It’s also normal, as you build these new relationships to maintain room for the friends you’ve had all along. As easy as it is to get caught up in the time we spend on building and maintaining the connections we create, it’s important to understand that we are constantly evolving, and we may grow closer or further away from certain people.

3. New Moves

Some of us may have had a childhood friend who moved to another city or state in the middle of the school year. Talk about devastating! This happens for adults, too! When a friend moves to another area, spending time or even keeping in touch becomes an afterthought. However, that’s no excuse to throw the whole friendship away. It just requires some creativity, and if the bond is important to you, you’ll find ways to keep the relationship strong.

4. Social Media

We’re all guilty of it: the mindless scrolling on Instagram or some other platform. Seeing the highlight reel of our friends’ lives makes us feel like we’re experiencing things with them. Social media may give us a sense of connection, but there’s nothing like the real thing. We’re all busy! But a quick text to check in on a close friend is always more meaningful than hitting that like button.

5. Starting a Family

Children require energy and time. As they grow up, the amount of activities increases and there’s even less time to spend taking a break—let alone seeing a friend. As parents, we have to make sure we’re taking care of our own needs, and that includes being intentional about the people we want to keep close in our circle.

6. Life

It happens to all of us – literally. Life can get in the way. You get a text or a missed call from a friend, make a (notoriously reliable) mental note to call them back, and then BOOM! A week has passed, and you realize that you completely forgot to get in touch with them. Things happen, and a good friend will be sure to understand that. A tip for times like this? Try to respond right away, even if your response is as simple as, “I’m super busy right now, but I’ll call you back when I can!” A little acknowledgment really goes a long way.

Our priorities shift as we grow older, and there are days where we have to make adjustments with our time. Naturally, our needs can take a backseat to our spouses and kids. But always remember that you are important, too. Yes, the relationships we have with our friends evolve, but there are ways to manage those changes and stay true to ourselves!

Practice being creative and intentional about maintaining and cultivating friendships. We are stronger and happier together!

My Children Teach Me How To Be Me!

My Children Teach Me How To Be Me!

In a world where we are all easily enticed to become more like our peers or social media influencers, it becomes a battle to stay true to the person within — to the person that you really are. Desiring change and rapid growth is beautiful; however, it can often cause us to compromise ourselves in the process depending on our purpose and focus.

This is why I admire my children so much.

They have taught me so much over the course of motherhood, but one of the most heartfelt lessons I’ve learned is how to be genuine in the midst of people telling me who I should be.

Witnessing the authenticity they boldly display has encouraged me to unapologetically be true to me!

No Compromising!

While watching my kids interact with each other, I’ve noticed that there are some core parts of their personality they just don’t compromise. Despite what they see or hear, they remain true to who they are. Although I may have only a few more years to witness this (since they’re still so young and have limited influences), I’ve found encouragement in their little big personalities!

There have definitely been moments where I’ve found myself compromising who I am and what I believe to protect others’ feelings. At some point, their voices became louder than mine or God’s. I used to work to develop into who people have encouraged me to become, paths they pushed me to take— to the point that I became confused by what was from me and what was from them.

Unfiltered & Unconcerned!

Children see the world around them in a perspective that’s often unfiltered and unconcerned with the opinions of others. Because of this, they have a more genuine approach to expressing themselves and don’t look for approval from others. Their heart and intentions are pure and they don’t have hidden agendas. 

Children also rarely, if at all, focus on the way someone may view them and their differing opinions or viewpoints. I admire the confidence I see in each of my little lambs when they don’t budge and speak their minds! They aren’t phased one bit by what someone thinks or even knows is true.

They are a wonderful example of what it means to truly believe in yourself. My prayer is that this mindset will stick with each of them, and no matter what comes up, they’ll always be honest with themselves about what they want and need in their lives.

Authenticity & A Strong Heart

I encourage you all to pay attention to the light that your children shine. I’m grateful for the authenticity that shines through each of them. With all the experiences we face in life, learning to deal with them with authenticity and a strong heart is necessary to living a fulfilling life.

Switch It Up: Homeschool Fun Day Activities

Switch It Up: Homeschool Fun Day Activities

Every day is a joy to spend with my children, but it’s no secret that homeschooling can sometimes create a little cabin fever for the kiddos. I love to mix up their schedule every once in a while with what I like to call: Homeschool Fun Days! 

Take a break from classwork to incorporate games, crafts, and fun educational content into your homeschool program. It’s a great way to fill their day with activities that feel out of the norm and special while still having some educational structure (the modern day way to play hookey). 

Here are some of my favorite ways to get my kids out of their uniforms and into a Homeschool Fun Day:

Arts and Crafts

The world of possibilities is open to you!  Whether it’s a drawing and coloring extravaganza, a home kitchen bake-a-thon, or paper airplane flyover, crafts are a treat to work into your kids’ schedules. You can easily incorporate educational material into arts and craft time with at-home science experiments. Click here for tons of projects you can take on at home. Giant Baking Soda Volcano, here we come!

Educational Screen Time

Not only is this a great resource for your kids, but it’s also a little breather for you!  Set your kids up with exploratory videos to engage them in learning about global cultures, the animal world, or even space.  Many streaming apps today have educational content for young eyes, like the kids channel on National Geographic.  Or, if you are looking for something a little more active, try educational computer games. ABCya! is a free site that allows you to choose from a variety of games by grade level; as a mom of four, it helps me to have one resource accessible for all my kiddos (the ones currently schooling at least)!

Free Play

Sometimes your kids need the space to come up with their own idea of fun.  What does it look like to them?  Set a time frame where (almost) anything goes!  This could be a wild game of backyard tag, a dress-up tea party, or even a round of board games.  Free play allows me to focus on each of my children’s interests, giving them an opportunity to share something they like with me and their siblings.

Dance Parties (whoop, whoop!)

I don’t know about you, but we are a dancing household!  Getting my kids up and grooving is a great way to help work out their wiggles.  Get your iPhone out and film a music video!  I like to make sure each of my kids get to pick their favorite song to bust a move to.

With just a few tweaks to your routine, your kids will be energized and excited to continue their homeschool journey!