Finding My God-Given Talents
Finding My God-Given Talents
The best-selling author, Erma Bombeck, once said, “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and I could say ‘I used everything you gave me.’” Like many things in life, this is easier said than done. I strive to embrace my talents, to trust in God to clarify what all my gifts are, to seek His counsel in how to use them. But I am learning that sometimes falling short of our talents is part of the journey to discover them.

How Do We Know Our Talents?
I feel it is often in my nature to resist (girl’s gotta love her control!), even when I don’t mean to. As a conduit for God’s word, I pride myself on hearing Him. But when He requires of me anything that sacrifices my comfort, I find myself attempting to evade the very thing God is ushering me into. So to truly seek the Lord’s wisdom and guidance, I’ve had to start by listening and learning from His desires. I must trust his direction, trust that He knows how to enhance every ounce of my talent to display Holy boldness and a life of purpose. So here are a few things I am practicing listening to and learning from him to embrace my God-given talents.
Bloom Where You Are Planted
Ugh… Well, Lord, if you had just planted me in one location for 30 years this would be so much easier! This is a thought that has crossed my mind on and off for 10 years. Excuses and reasons why it is too difficult to embrace the purpose of my journey. But after fighting against it for so long, I have finally surrendered to His will. By understanding that it is not an accident that God has moved our family, I am finally able to walk with freedom through these uprootings. It is time for me to embrace blooming, in EVERY place He plants me. To live a life of purpose, mission, and community, I have had to embrace His plan of dislocation and abort mine of stability.
Trust God’s Plan
No, duh! I know this one seems like a no brainer, but in order to trust God’s plan, we must have an intimate relationship with Him. I must release the desire to know how He thinks and instead wait and trust that His plan is greater than mine. I often have to remind myself that his vision is not centered around me and my experience, but instead is a great picture of which I am a mere brushstroke to be used to enhance and encourage.
Stop Hiding in Fear and Doubt
Fear and doubt only lead to procrastination. A fact of which I am painfully aware. I want to live without the bondage of these restraints, and to do so I must remember that some of my God-glorifying talents can’t be put on display until I deal with the root of my fear. It is my prayer to shed these so that every talent I’ve buried can be raised up. By embracing instead of doubting, His desires will show me how to multiply and bloom the talents that he has bestowed upon me, to glorify not myself, but my Heavenly Father.